I'm Temitope Akinmegha

based in Lagos, Nigeria

I build exceptional software products using premium technologies 🚀

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🚀 Crafting Digital Dreams into Reality

Imagine a thoroughbred Software Engineer with a natural gift for cracking the toughest tech problems. That's me! I thrive on challenges, using my knack for dissecting complex issues and piecing together solutions that defy the ordinary. I am armed with an out-of-the-box thought process, I'm on a mission to turn the ordinary into the extraordinary.

🎨 Mastering Minimalism and Business Brilliance

I'm not just a code virtuoso; I'm an artist of minimalistic designs combined with unparalleled business logic. I understand that elegant simplicity speaks volumes, and my creations are the embodiment of this philosophy. Every line of code I write weaves together functionality and aesthetics to create scalable products that captivate and conquer.

🤝 Curiously Collaborative, Infinitely Curious

I don't just work in a team, I thrive in it. I'm a self-motivated, smart-working, and endlessly curious team player who understands that learning never stops. New technologies are my playground, and I'm the curious dude who can't resist exploring. My hunger for knowledge is insatiable, and I'm always ready to embrace the next big thing.


html css3 javascript node react typescript python flutter git firebase nest angular



Product Mgt App

A application hub that manages different products

Explore Project
Angular | RxJs


Employee management System

Explore Project
Reactjs | supabase | syncfusion library | chartjs | Tailwind

Sales Dashboard

An app to visualise and analyse sales data in real time

Explore Project
Nextjs | Tailwind | Framer motion

Quiz App

Quiz App

Explore Project
Reactjs | Typescript | Axios
crud app

Fullstack crud feedback App

CRUD feedback App

Explore Project
Reactjs | Nodejs | Context-api | framer-motion | Json-server


Healthcare agency App

Explore Project
Nextjs | Supabase | SupabaseAuth | PostgreSQL | Tailwind

Hashnode Clone App

A blog app that seamlessly fetches all articles from your Hashnode account and presents them in a visually appealing, easy-to-navigate interface

Explore Project
Nextjs | Tailwind | Shadcn | React Query | GraphQL

Task Scheduler App

Task Scheduling App

Explore Project
T'megha Portfolio


My Portfolio Website V1

Explore Project
Html5 | Css3 | JavaScript
View more Projects here


I also get excited writing Technical articles

...coming soon 😎

Contact me

Get in Touch
Temitope Akinmegha
Lagos, Nigeria
Your vision, our expertise – let's make it a reality.